Close up of infected canine paw underside Close up of the underside of a red and swollen canine paw with open wounds on the pads as a result of canine atopic dermatitis. In severe cases, discomfort associated with. Learn the symptoms, treatment, and prevention methods. As the water is running, add Epsom salts following a ratio of about one tablespoon for every four cups of water. 2. In case you notice your pup’s paw pads are dry and cracked, consider using a dog paw moisturizer formulated to restore your dog’s paws. Thickening of the skin. Cut away the hair on the pad and in between the toes to. Dogs can even get red paws as a result of boredom and canine anxiety. Fill a basin with warm water and add a few drops of iodine. In dogs with infections, they will need to be treated with systemic antibiotics and anti-fungal medications. a strong smell, along with a change in appearance, is usually the first sign of an ear infection in dogs. Yeast Infection. Yeast flourishes in hot, moist spots and tends to build up in areas of a dog’s body that are greasy and oily. Yeast Infection in Dog Paws – Symptoms. A yeast infection on your dog's paws can cause itchiness, redness, swelling, discharge and odor. Paw Pad Yeast Infection 101. 75-oz. There is no evidence to support any claim that hydrogen peroxide is a useful treatment for yeast infection in dogs. In fact, it can kill 99. Pododermatitis refers to the inflammation of the skin on the paw pads of your dog. Remember to consult a vet or do proper research for the health of your pup! #. There is no scientific formula or need for exact proportions. This condition can make the affected area of your dog's skin itchy, red, and irritated. This natural remedy has antifungal properties that can help eliminate the yeast overgrowth while also moisturizing and soothing the affected area. Applying a topical ointment or cream to the affected area. Dunking paws. Applying a surface medication will eliminate organisms and debris from the skin's surface. Let’s look a little closer at why this happens and whether you should be concerned about it. 5. Published: May 30, 2023 0 Dogs with allergies, skin folds, and excessive hair between the toes are prone to yeast infections in their paws. Do not rinse the solution, simply pat dry. Other commonly recommended treatments include soaking the foot in warm water (with or without an antibiotic solution added to the bath) and applying antibiotic ointment. Yeast infections in dogs are usually found in the ears, skin folds, and in between the paw pads. Most dog owners don't give much thought to their pet's paw health. Great for a dog yeast infection, Fungus, Bacteria, Mange, Ringworm, Hotspots & Pyoderma. This removes dirt before it can build-up, while also reducing the chance of foreign objects getting stuck between the paw pads. Yeast infection can cause skin diseases in dogs and is very common. The dose will be 1mg for every 1 pound of body weight. Experienced dog groomers will also clean up your pup’s paws, which will help in more ways than one. These infections, also known as interdigital dermatitis or pododermatitis, often occur when yeast overgrows between the toes and paw pads due to moisture, allergies, immune system problems, or other underlying conditions. This picture shows a common location to see redness and inflammation with a yeast infection on the paw: Redness is often best seen on the bottom side of the paw and in between the toes. Pau D’Arco Pau d’arco comes from a tree native to the Amazon. It can also be used to help treat infected skin areas that require antiseptic cleaning. Allergies (food, environmental): Pollen, mold, grass, food ingredients, dust mites, and chemicals. Most dogs lick their paws, but when licking becomes excessive, problems can arise. Clean and disinfect yeasty areas at least once daily. Yeast infections occur in dog's belly, ears & paws, spot the symptoms and get the right treatment for your dog. Hi, I have an 11 year old female suffering with. Additional treatment for secondary fungal infections may be required. Infections caused by yeast or bacteria can create evident abnormalities on your dog’s infected paw. Frito feet and smelly dog feet have a number of causes. Canine foot fungus may be very difficult to treat, as the paws cannot be properly bandaged and can get easily reinfected, as the dog’s feet may come in contact with a new source of infection. 1. It kills all bacteria in the wound, even the “good. Apple cider vinegar. Your pup’s paws may be itchy and uncomfortable if they have a yeast infection. Bacterial or yeast infections: When dogs' paws touch contaminated surfaces like dirty water, mud, or damp areas, they risk developing skin infections. Skin redness. These are commonly due to fungi found in the genera Microsporum, Malassezia and Trichophyton. 5 pounds of bones and meat. Perfect for hot spot treatment for dogs paws and bacterial, fungal, and yeast. They can be either single or multifocal. Dog paws can become red in two places: the paw pads and between the dog's toes. Hot spots. The fungal condition aspergillosis. Trimming the hair between the paw pads will give your dog more traction on the ground, prevent dirt and moisture from getting stuck in their paws, and prevent painful mats from forming. The discomfort can range from mild to terrible. This fungus is found naturally on the skin, but when it grows out of control it can cause problems. Share Share Link. They may also take samples from affected areas for further microscopic analysis. Treatment for yeast dermatitis may be topical, oral, or a combination of both, and is based on the severity of your dog's condition. It is the perfect treatment for yeast infection. 8. My 5 year old male is constantly getting ingrown hairs between his toes on his front paws, my vets says this is common on bull dogs. This is part 1 of a 4-part series on common paw-related issues. For a big dog (50-70 lbs), dilute a half teaspoon oregano oil with half a teaspoon of olive oil. A pet suffering from a yeast infection in the paws may lick the paws excessively (due to itching) and may have swollen, red nail beds from excessive licking. Ensuring your dog is on a balanced, varied, species-appropriate raw diet will make a difference to your dog’s overall health and. Carefully clean and dry the paws before applying a small amount of Monistat in between the toes. The cream packaging will likely include instructions for applying the cream to your dog’s skin—follow these instructions closely. The underside of the paws, between the pads, is affected most often, but yeast can occur anywhere on the paws. They will prescribe antibiotics or antifungals as needed to treat your dog's itchy paws. The use of garlic, vinegar, tea tree oil, yogurt, and vinegar may all help to combat the symptoms of a yeast infection. But many conditions can negatively impact paw health, causing pain and discomfort. Ease of Use: Moderate. Front two paws look worse than the back. Allergies. Some dogs may benefit from antibiotic wraps and bandaging. Yeast infections can also be called "Malassezia dermatitis, or Yeast Dermatitis" and it usually occurs in a dog's ears, between their paw pads, or in their skin folds. My doggos paw pads get dry and cracked. Hydrogen peroxide as a remedy for yeast infections in dogs. Misfeeding/Overfeeding. Dunking your dog’s paws in a disinfectant solution is also a good way to treat yeast infections between paw pads. Lesions are treated with topical antimicrobial therapy and, if severe, with. Ingrown nails—Extremely long nails can become embedded in the dog’s paw pads. Convenient, sting-free, premoistened wipes are ideal between baths or anytime. 26,394 Satisfied Customers. Be sure to rinse thoroughly, as leftover soap can exacerbate the issue. Dogs release heat from the pads of their feet, so. This will reduce buildup between their toes and can help stop matting, which might cause your dog to lick their paws. Most dog owners are alert to everything that happens in their dogs’ bodies. While they can be treated with some home and store-bought remedies, it’s best to take your dog to the vet. Because the keratin will keep growing and growing over your dog. Paw or interdigital yeast. Vets usually recommend using a product that contains chlorhexidine (a disinfectant that kills germs) once or twice a week. An obvious injury– puncture, graze, cut, gash, etc. "Triggers for yeast overgrowth include: Antibiotics. You only need to use peroxide once. Be sure to examine the top and bottom of the paws, along with the toes, nails, toe pads, and between each paw. Warm water, organic, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and peppermint essential. Facial skin folds are also a common spot for yeast infections. Treatment generally depends on the condition the dog is suffering from. This can help relieve the pain caused by paw pad hyperkeratosis. How do you know if. Carefully clean and dry the paws before applying a small amount of Monistat in between the toes. 3. Veterinary Formula Clinical Care Antiseptic and Antifungal Spray for Dogs and Cats, 8 oz. Regular Cleaning. Wipe carefully between the paw pads with this mixture 1-2 times daily, and you may be able to resolve yeast infections at home. A yeast dermatitis infection will generally affect the skin between a dog's toes and other skin folds, although it can affect any part of the dog's body. or bacterial or fungal infections like a canine yeast infection, or you know they have received some kind of injury or. Cold weather. Prevention of infections by killing bacteria at the wound site. Other symptoms include itching, redness and discharge. If the fur between your dog’s paws looks reddish-brown, this may be a sign of a yeast infection. Part 1 - Paw Problems - paw pad injuries, cracked pads, paw licking (and comments on dog socks and boots) Part 2 - Toe Injuries, torn or stretched digits, toe arthritis. Child playing with dog. When a yeast infection occurs on your dog’s paws, it is typically between the paw padding where thin skin is. The dogs ears were treated for the infection by the vet, the rest was the above mentioned protocol. Pododermatitis most commonly occurs between a dog’s toes. Applying a topical ointment or cream to the affected area. Common signs of yeast include redness, swelling, foul-smelling discharge, and. Bacterial and fungal infections are a common cause of paw problems in dogs because many of them live on dogs' paw pads. The classic appearance of pododermatitis can result in: Redness. A dog’s front paws also have a carpal pad above their dewclaws (if they have them). Demodex mites. $2809 ($14. PERFECTLY SIZED: These chlorhexidine wipes for dogs and cats are wet, small (2. If your dog is licking his paws, scratching his ears, and smells like a bag of corn chips, a loaf of old sourdough bread from San Francisco, a musty old attic, or something you. Regimen. It affects the webbing of your dog’s paws, between the digits or toes. Paw disease in pets can affect our furry friends significantly. If left untreated, an issue with a dog's paw could. Pet Specialist. Antibiotics – If no improvement is observed after 3-4 days of this treatment, you should take your dog to the vet. However, there is not a lot of scientific research to back up these claims. Symptoms of skin yeast infections include: Itchiness, skin irritation, and skin redness or crusting. The only parts of a dog’s body where it can sweat are the nose and foot pads. Depending on the severity, these infections can be treated. If your dog’s yeast infection, allergies, or dryness does not improve enough with. Be cautious with this remedy because if you overdo it, you can easily burn the skin. Effective tips for treating dog yeast infections. 1. Before applying a small amount of Monistat between the toes, you should clean and dry your paws. These topical wipes are formulated with antibacterial and antifungal ingredients like ophytrium, a natural ingredient that can help soothe, clean and strengthen the skin barrier. Pain medication may be needed in some dogs. The balm not only creates a protective barrier between your dog’s foot and the terrain. In chronic cases, yeast infections often cause skin thickening. Yeast dermatitis is also referred to as Malassezia dermatitis or yeast infection and usually develop between a dog's paw pads, in their skin folds or in their ears. Affected tissues may include interdigital spaces, footpads, nail folds (paronychia), and nails. Reply. Dog. Just like with humans, a yeast infection occurs when there is an overabundance of this yeast found on the body of a dog. Symptoms of a yeast infection include red, itchy skin, discolouration, and a sweet, musty odour. 2. Apply a Bandage – Wrap the dog’s foot in a clean bandage and ensure that your pup doesn’t chew and bite through it. Learn how to diagnose and treat this common problem with antifungal shampoos, home remedies and vet advice. Be sure to wash your hands after touching your dog’s paws to avoid spreading the infection to yourself or other pets. Changes to host immunity due to immunosuppressant drugs like steroids, chemotherapy or “allergy” drugs — or due to an underlying immune disorder. These nasty little creatures can infect your dog’s gut causing a host of unpleasant symptoms. dog paw infection stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. Massage an antifungal dog shampoo into the skin for 10 minutes before rinsing well. Give small dogs 200 mg twice daily, medium 300 mg and large. Stress. Dog's skin is populated by bacteria, yeast, and fungi that can cause strange. The yeast will take advantage of any underlying inflammation in your dog’s paws, such as due to allergies, and wreak havoc. Yeast organisms (fungi) are normally found on your dog’s paws, but an underlying condition can cause them to multiply and cause problems. This is usually due to bacteria, but can be due to rare fungal organisms, and often results in multiple painful, swollen and discharging lumps. $11. Flush the area with water to remove any dirt or debris. Most dogs lick their paws, but when licking becomes excessive, problems can arise. As with other dog behaviors, there can be several causes, including injuries, skin problems, allergies to canine environments, parasites, or food, and boredom or anxiety. , fleas, contact dermatitis, parasites, secondary infections, and yeast infections. Yeast organisms are always present on dogs' as part of the body's normal flora, but a fungal infection occurs when there is an excessive amount of yeast in a certain area — usually the ears, skin folds, or between paw pads. Simply mix a cup of hydrogen peroxide and 1 cup of white vinegar in a gallon of water. Soak your dog’s feet in this solution. Check for a splinter or pieces of glass stuck in the paw. Check the bandage daily and change it immediately if the bandage is damaged. It should end up looking a bit like iced tea in color. Some of the most common symptoms of a yeast infection on the paw include the following: Itchiness – You may notice your dog biting at or rubbing their paw against. Bacterial and Fungal Infections. . Yeast Overgrowth in Dogs And Answers to the Gut-Fungus Overgrowth Nightmare. Heat up water to about 100F and add around 1 - 2 teaspoonfuls of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup water. Next, flush the area with hydrogen peroxide. The paw (s) may be inflamed only, or inflamed and infected with any combination of microbes. Yeast infection will make your dog’s paw pads look inflamed. These painful, pus-filled blisters often occur in the webbing between a dog’s toes. If the smell is coming from all over him and getting worse, it's time to consult another vet. Dog fungal infections take a lot of time to treat; the infections may affect the skin or different areas of the body such as the ear, mouth or the paws. 26,394 Satisfied Customers. Affected animals usually lick and chew excessively and can become lame in severe cases. The dilution depends on the size of your dog. Bacterial organisms are a normal part of your dog’s paw flora. Dull or greasy coat. Paw shape Dogs with wider paws can be more likely to bear weight on the haired skin between the pads. 5”) and thin enough to fit every crevice such as paws without discomfort. Bacterial/Yeast Infection. Dogs who lick. Idiopathic Nasodigital Hyperkeratosis. This is also a good place to spot yeast infections, rashes, and pests such as mites. Yeast skin infections (Malassezia) are another form of fungal infection. Allergies. for Pets (8oz) - Natural Dog and Cat Itch Relief & Skin Treatment for Itchy Paws and Ringworm - Yeast Infection, Dandruff and Hot Spot Spray for Dogs - All Natural, Organic Blend. Hydrogen peroxide, on the other hand, should not be used to treat dog ear yeast infections. Cracks may develop in the pads on the bottom of your dog’s feet after exposure to cold temperatures, salt, chemicals, cleaners, or fertilizers. 1. Here’s a shampoo we recommend from TropiClean. Dog’s paws need to be groomed regularly. But before you do, make sure it's not an open wound. $18. Quick wipes with wet wipes eliminate dirt and debris which can accumulate, leading to bacterial infections. Help! My Boxer Has Allergies. Some dogs, however, can develop an overgrowth of bacteria or develop a combination of yeast and bacteria. Inflamed or damaged paw pads. 3. He another one so back to the vet again tomorrow. Fungal Infections. Here’s a quick breakdown of each of the five basic parts: Digital pads: These are the four small pads located on each toe, used to support some of your dog’s weight as well as their joints. The two most common. for Pets (8oz) - Natural Dog and Cat Itch Relief & Skin Treatment for Itchy Paws and Ringworm - Yeast Infection, Dandruff and Hot Spot Spray for Dogs - All Natural, Organic Blend. The paws’ appearance and odor makes a yeast infection diagnosis easy, but a veterinarian can confirm this by examining some of the dog’s skin cells under a microscope. Symptoms of a yeast infection on the paws include excessive licking, redness, swelling, and crusting. If your dog has a yeast infection in the ears, your vet will prescribe ear cleaners to treat the infection and keep the ears clean to prevent it from getting worse. Some of the signs are licking and chewing the paws, itching, swelling, redness, drainage, and sometimes even brown discoloration of the dog’s nails. Pink paw pads would raise the alarm, causing concerned inquiries as to what caused the change in paw color. 5. Yeast infections commonly cause these issues and tend to develop on the paws, in the ears, armpits, skin folds, and your dog's hind end. Yeast dermatitis is a common inflammatory fungal infection that can occur in warm, moist areas, including between the paw pads. This is because the infection. Yeast infections in a dog’s ear can lead to deafness if left untreated for a long time. The total cost at the veterinarian will likely range from $100-$300. However, there may be many reasons a dog’s paws turn pink, so read on to solve the problem. Discolored, reddish-brown fur. This is why a raw diet is best for dogs with yeast infections. I have a dog with terrible allergy problems that lead to yeast infections in his feet. If your dog’s paw pads come into contact with a potential allergen, the subsequent allergic reaction can cause the area to become inflamed, red, and itchy. Occasionally, their back paws may have tarsal pads on their back legs (same as a carpal pad, except on the hind feet), but this is rare. Limping, favoring one leg. A 1:10 vinegar dilution with distilled white vinegar and water can be used on wipes or cotton pads to kill yeast infections in the skin. This can cause dogs to lick them obsessively in an attempt to relieve the pain—leading to red, inflamed, and painful paws. If the fur between your dog’s paws looks reddish-brown, this may be a sign of a yeast infection. Suggested Diet for Adult Dog With Yeast Issues. Hydrogen peroxide, on the other hand, should not be used to treat dog ear yeast infections. Yeast infections take ages to clear in my pup, the only thing we can do to stop the licking is keep him in the cone for 2-3 weeks. The convenient screw-on lid container comes in three sizes and the product has an indefinite shelf life. Puss or discharge oozing from. Yeast is always on your dog’s paws, but sometimes underlying issues can cause that yeast to multiply and lead to a fungal infection. Make an appointment to see your veterinarian as soon as you identify a yeast overgrowth. The skin may be moist from constant licking and/or infection, and varying degrees of pain, pruritus, and lameness may be evident. Yeast and bacteria are a natural occurrence on our pets, especially in areas rich with moisture, such as the paws, ears, and regions on the muzzle or in the folds of the skin. A yeast infection happens when the skin overproduces certain types of normally-harmless yeast cells and becomes extremely itchy. Pain medication may be needed in some. 5 Peeling dog paws are also common because the skin is being pushed from the inside, and left untreated, it can. Treat all affected areas with coconut oil. Yeast dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition that occurs fairly regularly for many dogs. To treat a yeast infection in a dog’s paws, use medicated dog shampoos and dog wipes that are combined with an antifungal to help control yeast on the skin. This can lead to redness and irritation between the toes. Fatty adipose tissue provides the cushion in your dog’s squishy toe beans. He another one so back to the vet again tomorrow. An abscess, or localized infection of the skin, between the toes is also called an interdigital furuncle. Many dogs with greasy or oily skin will require an initial ‘degreasing’ cleansing with a shampoo containing. Yeasty feet- Dunk them in a foot soak made up of 1 gallon water, 1 cup hydrogen peroxide, and 1-4 cups white vinegar. The most common parasites in dogs are worms. Lindsay Butzer, DVM and PetMeds partner, "Dogs' paw pads are made of a thick layer of keratin or skin to protect their feet, and as they age. If Malassezia. Almost all dogs with a yeast problem become extremely and chronically itchy at the site of the infection. 5”x2. Causes may be unknown or related to an underlying medical condition. Skin Itching. Be sure to rinse thoroughly, as any leftover soap residue can exacerbate the issue. 5. These wipes are going to help soothe the. Yeast infections in dogs’ paw pads are very common. Great for a dog yeast infection, Fungus, Bacteria, Mange, Ringworm, Hotspots & Pyoderma. A hydrogen peroxide soak is another effective home remedy to keep dog paw yeast infection at bay. Antifungal wipes. Interdigital furuncles are deep pyoderma lesions that form between the toes of dogs. 37/Fl Oz) $17. If your pup seems to be chewing or licking its paws more than usual, it's important to see a vet as soon as possible. Linda Stubbs September 12, 2021 at 11:39 pm. An overgrowth of yeast is considered a fungal infection because. A variety of different treatments may be used, including antibiotics (for bacterial infections) and possibly, pain killers and anti-inflammatory medications if needed. The most common symptoms of yeast dermatitis are itching, redness, musty odor, flaky skin, thickened skin, and pigment changes that make your dog's skin look darker in certain areas. Bacterial Infections. With its claws and leathery pads, a dog’s paw looks tough and resilient. These infections are often secondary to allergy issues, which is why they can get so bad. the full strength: Full Strength – add 3 oz bleach. If it's a problem with her paws, she won't be able to leave them alone. Obviously it is not ideal if he licks it right off – the medication will not have time to work, and while. This small red bump is a mast cell tumor. Dog's left rear paw is torn. The Remedies and treatment of bulldog paw infection can be done by your self at home or by a vet. The small amounts of bacteria that are causing this distinct smell are very normal for dogs to harbor. Demodicosis, caused by Demodex mites, might trigger localized redness, swelling, and sometimes even infections in your dog’s paw pads. Check the bandage daily and change it immediately if the bandage is damaged. Symptoms of a yeast infection include red, itchy skin, discolouration, and a sweet, musty odour. 2 Itching and Irritation; 3. Next, flush the area with hydrogen peroxide. Interdigital ‘cysts’ are a common, recurrent and painful problem in many dogs. Skin itchiness. One or more feet may be affected. Works to eliminate bacteria and yeast that are the source of skin problems with chlorhexidine and ketoconazole. See another example picture for a dog paw infection or more more about common skin infections in dogs. A moisturizing balm can help heal minor cracks. Symptoms of a yeast infection include red, itchy skin, discolouration, and a sweet, musty odour. Unlike humans, dogs can also get these infections on their paws, causing itchiness and redness. Cysts and growths. Some of these items are yogurt, probiotics, fermented vegetables, and coconut oil. How to Use Hydrocortisone on Dogs. Soak your dog’s feet for 5-10 minutes. Hydrogen Peroxide. Interdigital follicular cysts. The most common ratio to use is a 50/50 mix of ACV and water. Discuss nutritional issues that may contribute to your dog’s cracked pads. 12. Little girl and large dog at home. Pink paw pads can be the first sign of infection or inflammation. 1 Discoloration; 3. Gastrointestinal microorganisms perform tasks like: Helping. It can affect any age, sex, or breed of dog. They’re generally secondary to allergies or other conditions that disrupt the skin’s ability to control the yeast that. Fungal infections, such as onychomycosis, can also occur in or around the nail bed. Veterinarians may recommend using a bottle of medicated ear cleaner and a wipe. A very common feature of pododermatitis, particularly in dogs, is a deep infection of the feet. At home, you should get in the habit of regular paw washes. You may observe your dog frequently licking or biting at their paws. Associated with yeast infection in dogs is loss of hair, which usually follows the itchiness in the affected area. Calluses – hard, thick patches of skin. Over-the-Counter OintmentsWhile grass stains are nothing to worry about, some conditions can cause your dog’s paw pads to change color. Find out how to prevent complications and infections from yeast buildup on the skin. Thoroughly rinse the entire area that was soaked and dry completely. At any given time, dogs have some level of bacteria and fungi on their skin. Child playing with cat and dog. Your dog may also show some other signs of distress, such as moaning while. The infection may make your dog paw red between the toes, and then the repeated licking may make it worse. Bacterial and Fungal Infections. Many cases of pododermatitis I see are caused, in part, by a yeast called Malassezia. 6. Use a pair of tweezers to remove objects lodged in the paw. The paws’ appearance and odor makes a yeast infection diagnosis easy, but a veterinarian can confirm this by examining some of the dog’s skin cells under a microscope. Yeast infections, often a result of food allergies, can lead to cracked footpads. 3. Bacterial and fungal infections are a common cause of paw problems in dogs because many of them live on dogs' paw pads. Fungal Infections. Secondly, the hair might also have red or pink salivary staining from excessive licking and chewing of the paw. Extra cleanings may be part of your dog’s regimen if they have an ear infection. For some dogs, yeast problems are seasonal, and when the temperature and humidity are hi gh, problems with yeast can. Chlorhexidine Wipes for Dogs & Cats – 50ct for Bacteria & Fungus Treatment. Opportunistic infections, including bacterial, yeast, and fungal infections, are a problem whenever the skin cracks or is injured. Use a mild, dog-friendly soap or shampoo, gently scrubbing between the toes. It can affect any age, sex, or breed of dog. If the area has become infected, apply an antibiotic cream to the infected area. The infection is caused by an overgrowth of yeast on the. Tip #1: Use grooming scissors to trim the fur between your dog's paw pads. The most common cause of furuncles between the toes is a deep bacterial infection. Massage it into each pad carefully, being mindful of any open wounds or soreness. Symptoms of yeast infections in dogs. Some dogs get red paw pads because of an injury, and some dogs get red paws because of health conditions like canine food allergies, fleas, contact dermatitis, parasites, secondary infections, and yeast infections. ) If it shows up too light, simply include a. Do this for 5-10 minutes a couple of times a day. 6. 2, Ineffective – If the foot soak solution isn’t effective in treating your dog’s paw issues after a few days, it’s a good idea to consult your veterinarian. Repeat 3-5 times a week until the infection is cleared up. 2M views. 2941 out of 5 stars. Measure 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda into the boiled water using a sterile measuring spoon. Crusts and Discharge: Sometimes, the area may develop crusts or. Ringworm is also a common fungal infection that may affect cats. Four Paws Healthy Promise Paw Guard Dog Paw Protection Paw Guard, 1. All that licking and chewing of the paws can set up the perfect environment for a dog paw yeast infection.